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Cursuri online

Invatarea unei limbi straine poate fi o calatorie placuta si interesanta, sau obositoare si dificila. Cu noi aceasta calatorie poate deveni o experienta unica, relaxanta si eficienta.
Vei primi sfaturi si resurse, rabdare si incurajare de la cei mai buni profesori, in aceasta fascinanta calatorie.
Fie ca esti la inceput, sau ai pornit deja pe acest drum, alaturi de Global Team vei descoperi noi si noi metode de a folosi toate abilitatile: exprimare, ascultare, citire si scriere.

De acum nu mai este nevoie sa te deplasezi spre o locatie anume pentru intalnirile cu profesorul; acestea se pot desfasura cu mai mare usurinta, online! In acest fel, poti invata de acasa, de la birou sau chiar din alta tara, orice limba straina. Nu conteaza unde te afli.

 Tu alegeti ora si intensitatea cursului, la fel si domeniul pe care doresti sa insisi (general, business, medical, juridic, tehnic, hotelier si catering, interviu, examene, etc). Toate materialele va vor fi trimise de catre profesorii nostrii, care te vor asista online in descoperirea de noi si noi orizonturi conversationale.

Cursurile noastre online se desfasoara prin programe cum ar fi


singurul lucru diferit fata de o intalnire fizica intr-o sala de curs, fiind lipsa tablei si a bancilor.
Aceste intalniri virtuale cu profesorii nostri se bazeaza pe dialog constant, ele fiind interactive si astfel concepute incat sa puncteze si sa elimine orice problema de exprimare sau intelegere defectoasa a chestiunilor legate de gramatica, prin intermediul exemplelor simple clare, luate din viata de zi cu zi.
Te vom invata sa faci conexiuni, sa descoperi metode de a comunica fluent, alegand intotdeauna calea ideala de a te exprima corect si la subiect. Te vom invata sa te exprimi, sa asculti, sa raspunzi si sa comunici cu cei din jur, in orice situatie din viata reala.
Contacteaza-ne pentru mai multe detalii si pentru o lectie demonstrativa online!

De ce sa alegi cursurile noastre ?
Suntem parteneri agreabili, comunicativi, usor modelabili dupa nevoile tale, axati pe crearea unui mediu propice predarii cursurilor de limbi straine, in standarde europene.

Calitatea serviciului:
Echipa noastra detine pregatire de nivel inalt, alaturi de training-uri de specialitate.

Tu ne spui cand este cel mai bun interval orar pentru tine si noi te repartizam intr-o grupa care ti se potriveste.

Nu exista numai predare. Exista si intrebari si raspunsuri. Tocmai de aceea iti oferim un mod nou, interactiv, de a invata o limba straina!

Datorita testelor de evaluare o sa stim exact unde trebuie sa insistam.

Iti oferim asistenta si explicatii on-line, telefonic, prin e-mail, etc.

Cu Global Team inveti limba straina dorita de tine, insa intr-un mediu relaxant, deschis, fara stres!

Acoperim toate domeniile de interes: general, business, juridic, medical, tehnic, hotelier, catering, interviu, examene, etc.

with Skype or Yahoo Messenger!

With us you can now enjoy one-to-one online English lessons in the comfort of your own home or office, no matter where you are in the world, and at any time, day or night. Why take the trouble and spend a few precious minutes in traffic jams to get to a specific location where to explore the boundaries of a foreign language?
As tempting as it may be to be face to face with your teacher and enjoy these meetings, we now offer a new alternative to the old ways. Besides regular meetings, we also came up with online courses, on


at any time, and day.
It is less important where you are at, at home, at the office, out with friends, all it takes is a computer/laptop and an internet connection, plus some time to “meet” your teacher once, twice a week, or even more often! Your computer screen will be your board, your pen will be your keyboard and your voice will be the microphone.

If it’s Romanian you want to learn, for your job, hobby, holiday, or just to impress someone, we will be more than glad to assist you! Our qualified teachers will send you all the necessary materials and it will be their job to teach you the easiest way to speak your mind in virtually any situation. With patience and interest they will make Romanian more accessible and even fun to learn!
Contact us for even more details and also to book a trial lesson online!



Why choose our courses?
We are sociable and trustworthy business partners, always ready to answer all your needs, and focused on creating a favorable background to help you learn a foreign language.

Quality of our services:
Our team of teachers are all carefully selected, and they all attend specialized training sessions to help improve the quality of our services.

You choose the time, intensity and domain that best suits you.

There is not only the act of teaching. There are also questions and answers. That is why we now offer a new, interactive way to learn a foreign language.

Thanks to our evaluation tests, we will know exactly what your level is, and the areas that need to be looked at.

We offer online support and explanations, by phone, e-mail, etc. Now available are also online courses!

With Global Team, you can learn the language you want, when you want and how you want! We will provide the relaxed atmosphere.

With us you can choose from various domains: general, business, legal, medical, technical, hotel and catering, interview, exams, etc.


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Operator de date cu caracter personal nr. 33012 GlobaTeam foloseste cookie-uri Teste online Cataloage Limbi straine predate
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